
Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Tale of My Ten Year Old

For about the past 5 years my daughter has been involved with Girl Scouts. These days she's a Junior (or little Green Meanie) about to bridge to Cadet. This past Monday she and 11 of her troop mates delivered their Bronze Award project after working on it since the middle of last year.

AdaLee has become exceptionally fond of any living creature that has fur, fins, or feathers. Big, small, it doesn't matter as long as it likes to be chatted with and petted.
Once the girls decided on their project her troop baked pet treats, tied lovey blankets, ran donation booths in the rain, designed and sewed pet toys, decorated bags to put all this in, and topped it all off by saving some of their famous cookies so the new owners could also be treated. About 180 collective hours were in these bags!

The shelters education director toured the girls around the shelter then brought some of the animals out for them to pet. These fuzzy, wuzzy puppies had only been at the shelter for a day. This guy was super shy!

We did make a friend that didn't want us to leave.
My daughter is going to spend half of her vacation from school next week at the shelter. She had mixed feelings about all the cats and dogs she saw, knowing that more needs to be done. So, we're digging out her play clothes so she can get dirty, fuzzy or furry and help take care of a few of them. She tells me, ever so dearly, that at the end of the week she is entitled to her pick...!
We'll see.

1 comment:

Debbie~ said...

Wow, What a beautiful project for your daughter and her scout troop to take on! I can imagine how excited the shelter was, to have such wonderful gifts bestowed upon them by the girls!

I'll bet her time spent at the shelter helping, will be rewarded ten-fold by happy wagging tails and lickity kisses...

'BRAVO' to the girls for such BIG HEARTS and HARD WORK!!! Maybe their good deeds will make others want to 'pass it forward'!

xo Debbie~